Our services

Tax services for individuals and entrepreneurs

What we can provide

Many years experience in local and International tax matters.

Do you need a custom-made solution?

We Provide


  • Payroll
  • Accounting
  • Fiscal Year End

We Provide

Audit & Business Consulting

Smart Link Consulting, is a trusted business consulting firm providing expert advisory services to optimize performance and navigate complex challenges.

Lower Your Tax

We Provide

Corporate & Transaction Planning

We deliver focused, commercially driven corporate tax planning solutions to family-owned, owner-managed, or entrepreneurial companies to reduce your corporate tax load and grow your business.

We Provide

Revenue Engagement

Our experienced team supports you in all aspects of representation before the tax authorities. From simply contacting the tax authorities to clarify outstanding issues, further to applications for tax optimisation and tax defence, until representation before the tax courts

We Provide

Global Compliance Services

A Tax Compliance Management System (TCMS) is used to ensure legally compliant conduct in the tax area. It also serves to minimise or avoid financial risks (in the form of late payment or late payment penalties) as well as criminal and reputational risks that could arise from possible violations of the law.

We Provide


The VAT system is based on the delivered goods and services of daily life in the company and in the private sector.

Due to Germany’s membership in the EU, the VAT system is significantly influenced by EU regulations.

We Provide

International Tax advisor

We can provide you with advice and guidance on aligning your company’s operations to maximize direct and indirect tax efficiencies. This can include realigning functions, risks, responsibilities and assets to allocate global profits in a manner that’s tax efficient, risk averse and compatible with your company’s operations. 

We Provide

Advising Private Clients

As a client, depending on your personal life situation, you are generally liable to pay tax on your worldwide income. This rule applies predominantly and worldwide. Accordingly, it is important for you to know whether you are subject to unrestricted, fictitious, unlimited or limited tax liability and what consequences are associated with tax liability for you and how tax advantages and tax consequences arise for you personally.

We Provide

E - Commerce

Smart- Link is specialized Services for E-Commerce entrepreneurs. 



We Provide

Inheritance and gift taxes

Smart Link provides bespoke advice regarding capital acquisitions, and tax in Germany, which includes inheritance tax, gift tax, and discretionary trust tax